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2021 To-Do List Results

It has been well documented in this blog that I am a list maker. I make shopping lists, Christmas gift lists, and to-do lists. I make a list of customer quilts that I have and what day I plan to work on them. I make lists so that I don’t forget what I want to do and to motivate me to accomplish my goals. Motivation has been a prime reason for my yearly UnFinished Objects (UFO) list. When I know that I’m going to report on my progress every three months I am more likely to be sure that I have worked on something on that list.

The last six months, however, have been a big challenge in accomplishing much on my UFO list. I have been able to spend more time in my sewing room but I am still moving at a slower pace than I was before my surgery. I can work for about an hour and then I need to rest my back by laying on the couch for about 15 minutes. But I am so thankful for the time that I can spend sewing as it is so good for my mental health!

I started 2021 with six projects on my to-do list and as the year went along I added five more. Of those eleven projects I finished seven of them and made progress on two others. The other two will be added to the 2022 to-do list. Now that sounds like it was a year full of accomplishments but as you will see some of those projects were fairly small.

One of the two projects that I made progress on was the QuiltWorx Flowers For My Wedding Ring pattern. I have the paper pieces and the strips sorted so that I can start sewing them together. The second of the two projects is the Trip Around The World English Paper-Piecing (EPP) project. I was able to accomplish all of the hand stitching on the EPP hexagons while I was laying down during my recovery. My next task will be to begin stitching them together. I can’t wait to see how it looks!

The five projects that I added during the year included a Valentine card that I made for Tom in February. The last few years I have made similar cards for my customers at Christmas. For this one I added an appliqué heart and diagonal stripes. It was so fun to make and I thought it turned out so cute! In March I made 64 prayer squares for Southwood Lutheran Church in Lincoln. For this project I sew together two 3” squares right sides together on three sides and turn right side out. I then insert a small wooden cross into the opening before stitching the fourth side closed. Southwood makes these available n their Prayer Room for members to keep in their pocket as a reminder to pray throughout their day.

The third project that I finished was a counted cross-stitch Christmas stocking for Dustin. Everyone in our family has such a stocking - except for Tom who has a felt stocking that I made for him when we were first married. Now I have two more to make - one for Ruby and one for Baby Zientarski who will arrive in April! Another counted cross-stitch project that I finished was a small Christmas ornament designed by Jim Shore. I have done several of these as they use paper instead of Aida cloth and include a lot of colorful beads. They look so fun on the miniature Christmas tree that I have in my sewing room. And my final added project was a table runner for Melissa - a project that was a joint venture with my mom.

The two projects on my original 2021 to-do list that I actually finished were the Lion Abstractions quilt that I made for Ruby’s nursery in March and the king-size Interwoven quilt that I made for Lindsay and Dustin’s wedding in June. Since both of those quilts had a deadline they were given priority. It also helped that those quilts had a deadline before my surgery.

During the last three months of this year I also stitched six Quilts of Valor and 18 customer quilts. Two of those customer quilts were made from start to finish. So all in all given the hiatus that I had in the middle of the year I accomplished quite a bit. Now I’m looking forward to compiling my 2022 to-do list. Stay tuned for that in a couple of weeks!

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