This year we have finally taken advantage of our retirement status and done some traveling. In May we flew to San Diego for the wedding of my cousin’s daughter and in June we went to Memphis for Tom’s brother’s wedding. We did quite a bit of sight-seeing in both cities and really enjoyed those trips. This fall we continued our treks to Chillicothe, MO, Breckenridge, CO, and Las Vegas.

Our trip to Chillicothe, Mo, occurred in August when we went with my parents to see where my maternal grandmother grew up. We found her house in Ludlow - southwest of Chillicothe - as well as a building downtown that was my great grandfather’s general store. We also spent some time in the cemetery and found gravestones of several relatives. The oldest dated back to the 1700’s. Several of the monuments were designed by my grandfather who had a monument business in Lexington, NE. In Chillicothe we found the house to which my great grandmother moved after my great grandfather passed. We also enjoyed meals at Wabash BBQ - a restaurant in the old train depot that my mom remembered traveling into when she visited her grandparents - and Boji Stone Cafe - a cute eating establishment in downtown Chillicothe.

On our way to Chillicothe we stopped in Hamilton, MO at Missouri Star Quilting Company. I waited many years to go to Missouri Star and was fortunate to shop there twice in one year! On our way home we travelled north to Winterset, IA and saw a couple of the Bridges of Madison County. We saw the Roseman Bridge which was featured in the movie, The Bridges of Madison County.

In September we headed to Breckenridge, CO for our first fall trip to that area. We usually spend time there in July when it is hot and humid in Nebraska and there are fewer people vacationing in a ski resort. After our trips in May and June we had decided that we wouldn’t travel to Breck this year. Our need for a mountain fix won out, however, and we booked our trip. We were fortunate to experience Oktoberfest - lots of German food, music, dancing, and beer - as well as our usual favorites - Fatty’s Pizza and evening drives through the mountains.

In November we spent five days in Las Vegas following the wedding of our daughter, Melissa and her new husband, Kevin. It wasn’t exactly the relaxing vacation that we needed right after the wedding, but we sure enjoyed the sights and sounds after an eight-year hiatus. We walked for miles and miles to enjoy the gorgeous flowers at the Bellagio and the Wynn, the free shows of Big Elvis and The Saxman Duo at Harrah’s, and the dancing fountains in front of the Bellagio. We ate well at the breakfast buffets at the Mirage, Paris, and Wynn. We were excited to see Terry Fator’s show at the Mirage. Terry is a fantastic ventriloquist who won America’s Got Talent ten years ago. I even won at the video poker machines at the Mirage! We have been to Las Vegas several times and have always enjoyed our trip. The best part is that after a few days we are ready to come back home!
I’m not sure where our next adventure will take us but we are looking forward to planning our next trip. I’m thinking that it will happen this spring as Tom has a big birthday coming up in April and we will need something to look forward to when the snow starts to fly this winter. Stay tuned!!