I am a list person. I have always been a list person. I just feel better if I write things down so that I don’t forget what I want to accomplish. As a result I generally have a to-do list. I also have a list of places that I would like to visit and books that I would like to read. Some people might refer to those lists as a “bucket list”. Well - as you might expect - I also have a bucket list for quilts that I would like to make.
At this point in time there are five quilts on my bucket list. I have made a least a small bit of progress on three of them. Four of the five require a fair amount of research and study before I truly begin - which is probably why they are still on my bucket list and not my UFO list.

#1 — Dear Jane — This is a quilt that was made by Jane A. Stickle in 1863 and includes 225 different blocks and wedges. One could pick and choose amongst the blocks to make a Dear Jane quilt but what would be the challenge in that? Actually that would still be a challenge but I would still like to make all 225 for my Dear Jane quilt. The difficulty with this quilt is that the instructions are rather hard to follow. I found a set online and it printed off on enough paper to fill a notebook. I also bought a computer program that is aimed to help in designing and constructing this quilt. I have already made about 15 blocks but definitely need to study the computer program a bit more to find a more efficient way of constructing the rest of the blocks.

#2 — Whole cloth — This is a quilt that is made from one piece of fabric so that the quilting is the outstanding feature rather than the piecing. This quilt would be the ultimate challenge in my long-arm free-motion quilting journey. I would also need to spend some time studying the techniques needed to design the quilting before tackling this project. I think it might also be a good idea to try this on a smaller scale first before attempting to do a bed-size quilt.

#3 — Dream Big panel — This digital panel is the latest trend from Hoffman Fabrics and comes in a variety of color ways. I first purchased the panel in teal but also plan to do one in purple for our daughter’s wedding in November to use as a topper on their cake table. There are several tutorials available with tips on how to quilt this awesome panel. I have watched a few but will need to do a bit more studying before I load this on my frame and begin stitching. I would also like to try a double batting for this quilt - something that I have not used before. Doing so will make any unquilted spots really pop. I also plan to do different designs in each leaf as I think that would be more fun.

#4 — Quiltworx pattern — Several years ago I purchased a pattern by Judy Niemeyer entitled Flowers for my Wedding Ring. It uses the techniques of paper piecing and appliqué, both of which I have had experience. However, this pattern is much more complex and is another one that will require some study before I begin. I believe that the appliqués can be purchased as die-cuts so that is another option that I will need to consider. If you want a paper-piecing challenge, check out the patterns from this designer. They are truly stunning!

#5 — Violet Craft lion — Last summer I had so much fun making the Elephant Abstractions quilt by Violet Craft for a customer. I was not familiar with this designer before but quickly became enamoured with her patterns which also included a giraffe, a peacock, and a lion, just to name a few. These patterns involve paper piecing, a technique that I enjoy doing. And the resulting animals are truly amazing. I also had a great time choosing border fabric and designing the quilting for the elephant to make it reflect that animal. I can’t wait to try the lion next.
What do you have on your bucket list? — places to visit, books to read, experiences. What is on your quilting bucket list? No matter how short or long be sure to get started! Make it your goal to check off at least one item in 2019.